COVID 19 - Do We Have The Whole Story?

Trish Ladner • August 25, 2021

What about survivors with Natural Immunity?

The media tracks and reports on COVID-19 statistics. They list the number of active cases and total number of deaths. They go even further updating the number of vaccines received; how many received their first dose and how many have received their second dose of the vaccine. All good information, but I am constantly amazed that there is very little information if any, in the media about “natural immunity” for those of us (38+ million Americans), who have had COVID-19 and survived. Earlier this month, the World Health Organization (WHO), released a scientific update stating that, “most people who have recovered from COVID-19 develop a strong protective immune response. Within 4 weeks following infection, 90-99% of individuals infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus develop detectable neutralizing antibodies. Available scientific data suggests that in most people immune responses remain robust and protective against reinfection for at least 6-8 months after being infected with the virus.” Emory Vaccine Center at Emery University supports this information. They looked at 254 patients with mostly mild to moderate symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection over a period for more than eight months (250 days) and found that their immune response to the virus remained durable and strong. It appears that recovered COVID-19 patients retain broad and effective longer-term immunity to the disease. 

On a personal note, I am living proof that natural immunity to COVID exists. Last December my husband and I were both diagnosed with COVID. Each day we could feel our health slipping away so we called our doctor. She told us that because we were in a “Free” state (thank you Governor Noem), she could prescribe a new artificial antibody infusion. It basically provided synthetic antibodies to fight the virus while our bodies produced our own. It was like someone flipped the switch and every day we were 100% better than the day before! A month later we were tested for antibodies and we were positive and good to go. Natural Immunity!! We just passed our eighth month mark since contracting the virus and decided to get retested for antibodies. I am happy to report that our antibodies are still present and going strong. Our doctor has asked us to retest again in 4 to 5 months and we will gladly do the follow-up test. Talk to your doctor and see what the best choice is for you. 
I am not an “anti-vaxer,” but I have to ask the question .... why would those of us who have survived COVID and developed natural antibodies and have immunity to the virus be mandated to take the vaccine? Why aren’t the number of survivors with immunity tracked in the statistics? Doesn’t make sense to me!

With vaccine mandates being issued by states requiring proof of vaccinations to return to work or school, we need to take a serious look at what we, as Americans will agree to comply with. There are states who are mandating that all students, athletes, coaches, janitors, teachers, and staff get the vaccine. If they don’t “comply,” they run the risk of being fired without the right to apply for unemployment benefits. They are not acknowledging those with natural immunity or being given the option to mask up, modify their workplace or take precautions. I am beginning to believe that the mandates are more dangerous to the wellbeing of our freedoms than COVID is to our health! 
In an article by Austin Goss from KOTA, Governor Noem was quoted as saying, “requiring vaccine passports could ultimately lead to improper disclosure of private health information.” Currently legislators are calling for a special session to address the COVID vaccine mandates and the violation they may pose to our medical information confidentiality rights (HIPPA), Undoubtedly there will also be new bills introduced during our next legislation session and a great many debates, and I welcome them!!  

Rep. Trish Ladner
District 30

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