Michigan Democrate Rep. Karen Whitsett

BREITBART • April 7, 2020

Praises Trump and Hydroxycloroquine

A Democrat state representative from Detroit, Michigan, has given credit to hydroxychloroquine and President Donald Trump for saving her life as she battled the deadly coronavirus.

Michigan state Rep. Karen Whitsett, who recently tested positive for COVID-19, said she began taking hydroxychloroquine once her doctor prescribed it to her on March 31 after she and her husband sought treatment on March 18 for an array of symptoms.

Whitsett said she experienced shortness of breath, swollen lymph nodes, and somewhat of a sinus infection. According to Whitsett, “It was less than two hours” when she started to feel relief.

The representative also said she was familiar with “the wonders” of hydroxychloroquine after an earlier battle with Lyme disease, but claims she would not have thought to ask for it if President Trump had not touted its benefits as a possible coronavirus treatment.

“It has a lot to do with the president … bringing it up,” Whitsett said. “He is the only person who has the power to make it a priority.”

Whitsett went on to say that she believes her husband, who works as an engineer at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, was exposed to the virus at work. Whitsett’s husband has not yet received the results of his coronavirus test.

“This is a very uncertain time,” Whitsett said. “As a lawmaker, I want to be sure, but I’m not always sure.”

“There have been pandemics before, so we do know that there will be an end to it,” she added.

The Michigan state representative also stated that people in Detroit are not taking the quarantine seriously. “I see it in my own community — not being quarantined and still having house parties,” Whitsett said.

Whitsett also credited Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan for his relationship with President Trump for helping to get Detroit what it needs to fight the virus more effectively.

President Trump highlighted Whitsett’s recovery Monday evening.
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