SD Property Tax Study

Trish Ladner • June 2, 2022

Gets a Green Light

At a meeting on May 16th in Pierre, the Executive Board and the Legislative Research Council approved the “Property Tax Structure and Tax Burden Study” that was proposed last March. The study will take place over the summer with the first meeting scheduled for June 27th in Pierre. Trish Ladner was appointed the Committee Chair and Senator Mary Duvall as Vice-Chair. West River committee members include Representatives Kirk Chaffee, Oran Lesmeister, Tim Goodwin, Mike Derby, and Senators Jessica Castleberry, and Gary Cammack. East River committee members include, Representatives Lance Koth, Larry Tidemann, Mike Weisgram and Senators, Casey Crabtree, Jack Kolbeck, Reynold Nesiba, and Larry Zikmund. Will Steward, a Research Analyst, has been assigned as the lead staff of this committee representing the Legal Research Council for the legislature.


The scope of the study is to, “examine the existing property tax structure; consider means by which the total property tax burden of South Dakotans could be decreased; and to compare the property taxation of similar states by examining those states’ property tax assessment guidelines, their respective definitions of the tax base, and determination of tax rates.” Per the Executive Board’s general policy, the committee will have five meeting days to hold three meetings to conduct the study. Agendas will be posted on the LRC website. All meetings will be open to the public to attend in person or via “Teams”. If you’d like to attend remotely via “Teams” you will need to call and register with the Legislative Research Council (605.773.3251), in order to be invited to attend the forum.


Property taxes are a primary concern of South Dakotans across the state. We are receiving many letters and e-mails asking us as legislators to find a solution to their property tax increases. A gentleman from Harrisburg, South Dakota closed his letter by saying, “Please don’t let legislative law penalize us long-standing residents and property owners because of the area’s growth!” The study group is looking forward to working together to consider the means by which the total property tax burden of South Dakotans can be addressed. 

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