Well, here we are just days away from ushering in 2022 ... where did 2021 go?? As I look back over the last 12 months, it has been a year of learning and growth. I have met so many amazing people across South Dakota and the United States, gaining knowledge from them along the way. As part of that learning experience, I have had the opportunity to champion and support bills that were important to those living in District 30. It is amazing how a bill at first blush, can look like a great bill. However, as you dig deeper into the bill, you discover that buried deep within it is language that changes the entire meaning. Having the ability to call and speak with my constituents at home to discuss issues has been invaluable to me, and has helped me to better represent you in Pierre.
This year, as we gear up for the 2022 legislative session, there are two hot topics for me with many more to come as session gets underway. The first issue, as you might have already guessed, is Draft Bill 50. This is a grassland tax relief bill for our ranchers. The bill does not change any current law. The bill specifically stipulates that this is an additional avenue with which ranch landowners may use to categorize their land as noncropland regardless of the soil classification of the land as long as they meet the bill’s criteria.
The second issue that is absolutely imperative for us to address is affordable workforce housing. District 30 is not the only area experiencing a housing shortage. This is a problem being experienced throughout the state. I have heard many stories from business owners across industries (ie., construction, hospitality, tourism and medical). Every one of them has told me that if they are fortunate enough to find a qualified candidate and offer them a position, it is more often than not, turned down because the new hire is unable to find housing.
Governor Noem recognizes the severity of this issue and in her budget address earlier this month, she proposed a $200 million dollar investment in workforce housing and a partnership between developers, municipalities, and the state. Each partner would invest one-third of the total dollars needed (one-third investment by developers, one-third investment from municipalities and one-third investment from the state). This partnership increases the total investment in workforce housing to $600 million dollars. The state has pledged to work with cities, counties, and developers to invest these dollars wisely and facilitate growth in every corner of the state.
This past week I attended a roundtable meeting in Custer, organized by Jeff Prior from Dakota Greens Nursery, to discuss affordable workforce housing. There were community leaders representing the financial, construction, hospitality, and medical fields as well as representative from the City of Custer, the County of Custer, and Qusi Al-Haj the West River Director overseeing all West River operations for Senator John Thune. All agreed that the biggest challenges that our communities are facing is the lack of skilled workers and the lack of affordable housing for them. It was a very productive meeting and before it ended, the group decided to form a Black Hills Housing Group to work on identifying federal and state programs that already exist that could assist in solving the housing problem. Qusi noted that it is easier to adjust existing programs than to create new ones.
Recognizing that there is strength in numbers, the group is hoping to bring in other counties such as Fall River, Meade, and Lawrence counties (to name a few), to work together and participate in finding solutions. There were many great ideas and strategic conversations around the table, and I am looking forward to working with this motivated and focused group of professionals to work toward a plan and solution to the lack of housing that we are experiencing in our communities.
As we move forward to 2022, I’d like to wish you and your family a wonderful New Year filled with good health, and prosperity in every area of your life!!