It is hard to believe that this week we hit the half way mark for the 2022 Legislative Session. This year we have over 500 bills that the committees will be reviewing and voting on. If they make it through committee, it is then presented to the House body for a vote. I am currently serving on the House Commerce & Energy and the AG and Natural Resources Committees. This past week in the AG and Natural Resources Committee we heard testimony regarding HB 1181-A, a bill to prohibit the use of cyanide for the purpose of mining for uranium. This is a serious subject in District 30.
The committee listened to both the proponent and opponent testimony. During committee discussion and/or action, I brought up the fact that in 2016 a study was released by two South Dakota School of Mines and Technology scientists and a scientist from California State University-Fresno that showed that uranium levels at Angostura Reservoir are elevated and caused by runoff from mining. The study looked at stream sediments along the Cheyenne River watershed and found that the human activity that contributed to the elevated uranium levels could be traced to abandoned uranium mines across the area and mill near Edgemont. The water in the Cheyenne River helps to irrigate fields and provide water for livestock across Lakota Country. In the article it was noted by Gena Parkhurst, President of the Black Hills Chapter of Dakota Rural Action that, “This impacts people throughout western South Dakota. The Cheyenne River runs along or through two reservations and five counties and impacts agriculture and tourism. We need to clean it up.” I couldn't agree with that statement more. I believe that we need to find a solution to the uranium levels in our water supply and I voted against the bill. It was defeated in committee and sent to the 41st day. Make no mistake, uranium mining has had an impact on the quality of our water and our underground aquifers.
On Thursday, I had the honor and privilege to be invited to the signing of Senate Bill 46; the Fairness in Woman's Sport Bill. This was the first bill that Governor Noem signed in 2022. The Governor noted that this bill will guarantee that our daughters and granddaughters have the same athletic opportunities as previous generations.
I also wanted to update you on HB 1039; a grass land tax relief bill. There was a fiscal impact note requested on January 20th. I have been told that the note has been difficult for LRC to generate because the Department of Revenue and the individual county assessors do not have the information available in order for them to produce the impact numbers. It surprises me that the Department of Revenue does not have the information for the impact study, but they don't have any problem knowing what tax to assess our property owners ... that is a little concerning to me. The fiscal note should be released this week. I am looking forward to revisiting HB 1039 and presenting it on the floor of the House. Just to remind you, the bill passed in Ag and Natural Resource committee with 10 yes and 3 no votes.
I am sure I will have a lot more news to share with you about HB 1039 next week. Until then, thank you for your emails, phone calls and support. You voice really does matter!
Trish Ladner, Representative District 30